So we give the children lots of time for free play, we try to avoid filling their time with adult-guided activities. We will guide or suggest activities, but the more freedom the child has in an activity, the greater the learning potential.
How we do this
Plan and set up an environment that is conducive to learning and that is inviting by providing a variety of materials and equipment for play, including natural materials.
We have different areas the quiet area with books, a maths area with puzzles, counters and shapes, a construction area with planks, blocks, bricks, scarfs and pegs and a role play imaginative area with small world resources.
Set up provocations for children, such as leaving out different fabrics and seeing what children do with them.
Encourage children to play outdoors as much as possible.
Provide toys/equipment that are open-ended. A large box can become a doll’s house, be turned into a pirate ship, or be used in an obstacle course.
Use open-ended questions to encourage children to think while they play.
Provide lots of sensory experiences.
Try not to interfere too much when children are trying to solve a problem or work out a conflict.