Personal, Social and Emotional |
Why: Children have the language of learning and are able to be resilient and keep trying when faced with learning challenges. This supports children in being confident to ask for help when they start school
First milestone:
Children make a strong relationship with the adults. Increasingly, they separate confidently from their parent at the start of the session and become involved in their play. They use the adults as a‘secure base’ throughout the session, ‘touching base’ as/when needed. |
Where children need individualised and
additional help, this will be offered promptly. Teachers will talk with parents to map a way forward. As children grow in confidence, their involvement in nursery activities deepens. They explore a wider range of activities. They play for longer periods of time. They begin to seek out the company of others and play alongside their friends. |
Second milestone:
Children confidently take part in a wide variety of play activities. They are willing to take risks and try new activities. They begin to develop friendships with others and play cooperatively – talking, listening and responding to each other.
As children’s engagement and
perseverance grows, they either challenge themselves with more difficult activities, or they respond positively to adults challenging them. |
Third milestone:
Children think of their own ideas. They persevere with difficulties and work together with their friends to solve any problems they encounter. They make comments about their learning and play and show pleasure/pride in what they have done. |
As children play and learn more
collaboratively, for longer time periods, they begin to take part in more challenging activities. |
Final milestone:
Children express their own ideas. They work together with their friends extending their thinking and solving problems. They talk about what they are learning. They talk about difficulties and how they overcame them. They show pride in working hard to achieve their |